Physical Therapy en Personal Training

Pain-Relief, Recovery & Fitness

Physical Studio

Physical Studio is designed with more than physical therapy and sports in mind — first and foremost, it’s about people. Our purpose is to move people in a holistic, one-of-a-kind way towards a stronger connection with their mind and bodies. 

Our concepts

Our concepts

Through our holistic approach we're always seeking for ways to enhance recovery, promote prevention and improve performance. Whether it’s with physical therapy, personal training or massages.

Our team

Our team thrives on creating mental and physical movement, in long-term and lasting ways - making it fun while we’re at it.

Physical Therapist | Founder
Manual Therapist | Lead Physio
Physiotherapist | Manual Therapist
Physiotherapist | Manual Therapist
Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer
Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer
Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist | Personal Trainer
Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer
Physiotherapist i.t. | Personal Trainer
Osteopath | Personal Trainer | Physio assistant
Massage Therapist | Bodyworks
Massage Therapist


Let's get Physical